My Daily Reminder to Live Thoughtfully

I've had this license plate on my car for about 20 years.  It's my first vanity plate &
I got it when I was part of a group of Waldorf School parents, endeavoring to Build the Greenest School in America (a wonderful & inspiring project) and as a daily physical reminder & mantra to Live a Green life in all of my daily decisions.... and it has been.  It is aspirational and a stone in my shoe that always keeps me striving to do better and be aware of where I fall short.  Over the Winter holidays, I was in Tuscon, AZ visiting friends, where water is SO dear.  I have always lived where there is abundant water and it brought me up short how many ways I could use water more efficiently.  So, today, I am finally "going-solar", it will still be some weeks before the system is turned on and then I can watch the data (endlessly) - seeing how I can improve my care and awareness of my use of electricity.
I will have a system on my home and on my studio - SO YES, now my natural dyeing, felting & eco-printing will ALL be created with Solar Energy!  I'm excited about this additional alignment of my values and my craft.... and I will continue to create.... For People Who Love Nature.

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