Live Demo Schedule THIS Week - Craft Guild & Artisan Studio Tour

As an Artisan, I wait all year for this special week, when 2 great Craft Shows occur and this year I don't have to choose between them, I can do BOTH!! Please come by and see my latest creations!

Southern Highlands Craft Guild ( is hosting their 73rd annual Fall Show - this time virtually - for 4 days: Thursday Nov 12th - Sunday Nov 15th

Artisan Studio Tour ( is hosting their show with 35 central Virginia artists in their 26th annual studio tour for 2 days: Saturday, Nov 14th & Sunday 15th.

I will be available from 10-5, each day for private, virtual shopping appointments using phone & Face Time - sign up for an appointment by clicking link

*** I will be hosting live demos on Facebook as follows:

Thursday 10am - Natural Dyes

3pm - Eco Printing

Friday 10am - Nuno Felting

3pm - Combining techniques

Saturday 10am - Natural Dyes

3pm - Eco Printing

Sunday 10am - Nuno Felting

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