Shibori, Sashiko & Boro Crazy!
In another post, I wrote about my coming back full-circle to embroidery, through the door of the Japanese stitch method of Sashiko and my 60's flashback to mending and embroidering my jeans, which I am doing, again, under the umbrella of Japanese mending, called Boro stitching. I got my first Sashiko coaster set at a great shop in Tacoma WA, when I was visiting my sister and the Tacoma Weaver's Guild ( One thing that is SO cool about these stitching methods, is that they parallel Shibori methods - see the photos, below. How cool is that? If you are curious, join me in December, when I am teaching a workshop on these techniques!! See the Events section of my Store.
I have dabbled in Shibori over the years, but when I heard that Nellie Rose ( was teaching Shibori at Appalachian Piecework, Staunton VA ( the fabulous boutique of textile artist Lori Gunderson, I cleared my September calendar and made sure I could go. Nellie studied in Japan with a Shibori master and it was an honor to study with her! Since then, I have been happily stitching, folding & clamping & dyeing. I tried using my organic 1, 2, 3 Indigo pot, but I found I get darker/ more contrasty Shibori with my natural Fe vat, another Michel Garcia dye method, also detailed in Catharine Ellis & Joy Boutrup's The Art and Science of Natural Dyes. BTW - I am using TN-grown Stoney Creek indigo ( and recommend it, highly.
I have dabbled in Shibori over the years, but when I heard that Nellie Rose ( was teaching Shibori at Appalachian Piecework, Staunton VA ( the fabulous boutique of textile artist Lori Gunderson, I cleared my September calendar and made sure I could go. Nellie studied in Japan with a Shibori master and it was an honor to study with her! Since then, I have been happily stitching, folding & clamping & dyeing. I tried using my organic 1, 2, 3 Indigo pot, but I found I get darker/ more contrasty Shibori with my natural Fe vat, another Michel Garcia dye method, also detailed in Catharine Ellis & Joy Boutrup's The Art and Science of Natural Dyes. BTW - I am using TN-grown Stoney Creek indigo ( and recommend it, highly.
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